Dr. Tanuja David. is an alumnus of Malabar Christian College (M.Sc. Zoology 1998-2000) and completed her Graduation in Zoology from Providence Women’s College, Calicut in 1998 and Ph.D. from Calicut University in 2009. She has also a Degree in B.Ed. 2012-13 (Natural Science) from Providence College of Teacher Education for Women, Calicut. She is credited with eight publications.
Important Publications
Changes in the levels of alanine and aspartate aminotransferase activities and glucose during the pupal and adult development of Bombyx mori. Tanuja D, K.V. Lazar and U.V.K. Mohamed. Indian J. Comp. Animal Physiol., Vol. 22: 2004.
Ontogenic changes in the levels of urea and arginase during the pupal to adult transformation in Bombyx mori. Tanuja, K.V. Lazar and U.V.K. Mohamed. J. ent. Res., Vol.29 (1): 2005.
Mitochondrial DNA barcoding and phylogeny analysis of anglewing katydid Microcentrum Rhombifolium.
Mashhoor, K., Swathi, R., Leya, T., Sebastian, C.D., Akhilesh, V.P., Tanuja D., Rosy, P.A. and Lazar, K.V. Asian J. Exp. Biol., SCI. Vol 4 (2): 2013.
Molecular barcoding and phylogeny analysis of the hard coral Porites Evarmani isolated from Lakshadweep islands.
Akhilesh, V.P., Shaniba, V.S., Mashhoor, K., Sreejith, K., Rukhsana, K., Kavitha, S., Tanuja, D., Jiji Joseph, V., Rosy, P.A. and Kottickal, L.V. Biological Conference 2013.
The riparian diversity of butterflies along the banks of river Thejeswani.
Jiji Joseph, V., Mashhoor, K., Akhilesh, V.P., Tanuja, D. and Kottickal, L. V. Science and Technology for Clean and Green Environment – 2012/I/12, Annamalai, TN.